Gender pay gap reporting for H Young (Operations) Limited

All data included within this report is based on a snapshot date of 5th April 2023.

Mean Gender Pay Gap % 29.6
Median Gender Pay Gap % 17.8
Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap % 59.04
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap % 44.65

The proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment.

Female receiving a bonus payment % 29.03
Male receiving a bonus payment % 66.31

The proportion of males and females in each quartile band.

Males and females in the quartile pay bands;
upper (U), middle (UM), lower middle (LM), lower(L)
Bands Total number of employees in the band Females (%) Males (%)
U 69 18.8 81.2
UM 70 18.6 81.4
LM 69 42.0 58.0
L 71 36.6 63.4